Confidence Builders Academy

Confidence Builders Academy gives your dog a life changing gift:

The freedom to just be a dog!

Meet your trainer and see real CBA students in action!

Wondering how CBA works? Want a preview of our virtual classroom? Then take a look at our video to learn more.

Living with a fearful dog can be challenging.

Fearful dogs have special needs that can challenge even the most experienced dog owner. Maybe you’ve tried a group training class, but it was too scary for your dog. And while baby steps can lead to huge payoffs, months or years of one-on-one training at a fearful dog’s pace can get expensive. And in-home training means a stranger in the house, which can be stressful for fearful dogs.

We understand your pain,
and our online program offers a lower-cost alternative, providing customized solutions specific to your fearful dog. Fearful and even semi-feral dogs can learn house manners and gain confidence with the right approach. You and your dog get support from an IAABC Certified Dog Behavior Consultant with 18 years of experience and two semi-feral former street dogs of his own. You’ll also get online peer support from other participants while your dog gets to learn at home, in the environment where they’re most comfortable!


  • Customized training plans—work at your own pace
  • Trainer can observe your dog in your home environment while in a group class
  • Support and encouragement from your peers in an online classroom setting
  • Upload videos and receive one-on-one feedback on your dog’s progress
  • Interactive games make training fun for you and your dog!
  •  Train from anywhere you (and your dog) have an internet connection

Shane Stanis

In over 20 years as a dog training and behavior professional, I've developed expertise in coaching a range of pups, from over the top teens to dogs with a history of aggression, and developed a special place in my heart for our most timid canine companions. Teaching seminars, group dog training classes & individual consultations has allowed me to enjoy teaching pet owners, animal shelter volunteers and professional dog trainers.

Living with two semi-feral dogs has given me a unique perspective on the needs of these special animals. When I first met Chloe and Bella, they would run around me at a distance, never coming close enough for me to touch them.
By setting small goals, giving them space and exercising patience, I was finally able to gain their trust. Now we can enjoy cuddling on the couch, playing with their toys, and training together so they can gain even more confidence.

As the owner/operator of Mighty Mutts Dog Training in Martinez, CA, I use the latest research-based methods to create a customized plan that helps bring better quality of life to everyone in the home - human and animal alike. The Confidence Builders Academy allows me to bring these skills to shy & fearful dogs across the country and beyond in the place these pups are most comfortable - their homes.

CDBC (Certified Dog Behavior Consultant, certifying body: International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants)
CPDT-KSA (Certified Professional Dog Trainer - Knowledge & Skills Assessed, certifying body: Certification Council Professional Dog Trainers)

Aren't ready to enroll quite yet? Still have questions?

Course Pricing

3 Month Membership

$300 USD

  • 3 months of unlimited access to course content, including minimum of 3 live virtual classes per month, weekly review of your work

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